做夢者班:夢的隱喻層面;兼回覆 Yrleu



S.W.做夢者班不是出體者班,心得多少也要顧及整飭內在陰暗面的普通夢,清明的能量才能逐漸全面擴散開來。Yrleu 的心得較重字面(表面),Chuck 則較身體層面(但恐懼常出現夢中),與 Joyce 剛好是兩極,Joyce 藉由夢境整理許多內在問題。(以上所指是我個人籠統的感覺,包括留言版及私下電子郵件往返的討論。)


Chuck又重新開始檢視普通夢,我的夢真的是經常投射當日的生活。在現實中遇到事情,我不會表現憤怒,但夢中時常恐懼或壓力下 ,突然暴怒然後殘殺夢中人物。回來檢視日常生活,遇到不滿的事情,外表雖然看起來很正常,但報復的思想,雖然只是一閃而過,但的確出現在內在對話裡。還有許多的夢,是過去的一些感覺重新溫習。有些夢就是比較特別的人物和故事,也許就有特殊涵義在後面。

最近的夢開始出現做夢班成員和老師,有的時候還有唐望。 最近有一個新發現,發現在專心畫畫的時候,內在對話和思緒會自動啟動,很像快睡著的時候,圖片自己出現那樣,停止內在對話,數息累的時候,我就一直唱百字明咒,也不錯。


Joyce我也夢到唐望了,而且他還是我爺爺呢。呵呵!看了 Yrleu 在留言版上放的 Carols Castaneda 的影片,雖然和我夢中的唐望外型很像,但是我夢中的唐望氣勢懾人,整個背景,道路兩旁人物看起來都是中南美洲的人,整理好內容再給你們看,蠻有趣的。

三年前我的夢境經常出現恐怖的被謀殺屍體,大概有一年半的時間,我現實生活的確有很大壓力,加上屍體夢的困擾,那時有點精神衰弱,可是現實中我也壓抑得挺好的。直到面對夢境的屍體後,我的狀況才好轉,然後就沒有夢到那種屍體了。我個人的經驗是現實生活比較容易為裝逃避,在夢裡就很難,那些白天自欺欺人的作為到了晚上就由夢來檢視。那種打殺的夢也是有一堆,S.W. 說殺光就好了,最近我比較不兇殘了,試著在夢中對壞人做靈氣,呵呵!應該也有些效果。夢修行開始後,我覺得好像一直在做調整,像是「醒夢如一」,現實中也舒坦多了。












S.W.夢有 70% 都是隱喻的,Yrleu 所謂光怪陸離的普通夢,顯然只是把自己當另類夢作家,在我看來,光怪一點也不陸離,全不離日常生活。



James A. Hall, M.D., Jungian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of Theory and Practice,榮格解夢書:夢的理論與解析pp.56-57.

書中說明夢的運作主要是為了「補償補足清醒自我對現實的看法之不足」,而記錄夢的好處,則是「讓人可以在日常生活裡去辨認類似的母題,進而採取適當的態度或作為去回應」(p. 41),如此夢中自我補償的需求就會降低。此外,如同我經常強調的,使用任何解夢書來分析自己夢中的象徵物時,必須同時審視當下生活中的事件。以熊的夢中象徵來說明,牠同時具有凶猛與 palyful 兩種解釋,因此要端賴夢中的感覺而定。除了少數「人生大夢」及「先知預言」,解夢不離當下現實事件,原因在於十之八九的夢都是現實的反映,就算預見,時間也多在一個月內,這也是做夢者班夢報告中現實事件核對表的立意基礎。

夢一定要放回夢者當前生活的脈絡來解讀。夢通常是向夢者核心的自認同提供一個通常是更為全面的角度。自我對現實的看法往往有所侷限,然而夢卻傾向暫時性地集中、加強覺察火力。把夢放回夢者的生活脈絡並不是把夢簡化成預言未來。同樣的,透過夢來確認一個人目前的意識狀態也把夢看得太簡單了,以致沒法讀出夢所隱含的補償或補足的訊息。(pp. 58-59


We dream in symbols because we tend to think in symbols or pictures at the conscious level.

——Edgar Cayce, Dreams: Your Magic Mirror, p.29.

2007/4/1 10:40 AM. 百貨公司家飾部(出體)

A department store is associated with temptations (women usually are tempted to buy something). (p. 122)

2007/4/2 8:17 AM. 幫表弟理髮(清明夢)

Hair of the Head. Because thought emerges from the brain, hair, said Cayce, represents thoughts. Combing snarled or kinky hair suggests that it is time the dreamer straightened out his thinking. The bald head might be warning the individual to do more thinking. (p. 79)

2007/4/4 6:00 AM. 軍用多功能筆

Pen, pencil, ink, stamps. Writing or communications. (p. 136)

2007/4/7 10:15 AM. 麵包店的巧克力點心

Chocolate is a weakness indulged by many. (p. 89)

2007/4/8 8:05 AM. 熊精

The Bear. This ungainly animal can be as playful as he can be dangerous. His claws can rip a man open in seconds, and his strength  can crush a  person to death. For these reasons, a bear has negative connotations. (p. 216)

Cayce: " As is seen in the character of the beast, the bear represents qualities in people rather than one particular person. There are people who act like a bear toward these spiritual lessons or truths. Like a bear, some are destructive, some are playful, some are protective and helpful, and some are even loving." (p. 216)

2007/4/10 9:40 AM. 吻一個中國美女(清明夢)

Sex Dreams.

All people have at some time experienced a sex dream. The meanings of such dreams, however, vary greatly. A sex dream may be a type of wish fulfillment, a carry-over or continuation of an evening's experience, or it may relate in a general way to a "cheapening of self," as will be noted in some of the following dream examples.

Too often we feel we are not responsible for what we do in our dreams. This is especially true of sex dreams. Many times sexual experiences in dreams act as an escape valve for desires that have been created in the body through lascivious mental activity during the day. This may have been stimulated by the reading of erotic stories, or viewing pornographic pictures or sex movies. Obviously erotic dreams can be lessened or increased, depending on the daytime consciousness of the individual. It would be wise to recall to mind Jesus' admonition, "Whosoever looked on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already, in his heart." (Matt. 5:28)

Some sex dreams fall into this category and the person is responsible for the stimulation of them. Others of course may be due to the pressure of the bedclothes, or a normal release. (p. 216)

2007/4/11 8:40 AM. 騎獅子

The Lion can often symbolize an unpleasant situation. Although almost all dreams of lions are related to bad temper, occasionally we find a constructive meaning to the symbol of a lion. Ex, force always relates the animal nature within.  (p. 212-213)

2007/4/19 7:50 AM. 反擊劫機恐怖份子

Airplane. Cayce suggest that visions or dreams containing symbols or the sun, moon, stars, angels, comets, airships, planes, or any other bright, celestial object often represent spiritual ideals.  (p. 161)


Cayer: "In this, the emblematical conditions of life are again presented. The dirigible and the flying machine represent the high ideals of the entity. However, without stability, destructive forces may come to the individual. Therefore, 'the call to self to aid self' shows that the dreamer must determine himself to become more consistent. (p. 124)

Killing a baby. Destroying spiritual ideas. (p. 109) (這裡沒有 baby,但飛機等同 spiritual ideas

Shooting. Warning against being drawn into arguments that bring retorts or trouble. (p. 108)

Anger. Temper. (p. 109)

2007/4/19 5:32 AM. 帶狗兒子去獸醫院

A hospital may relate to a physical imperfection or the necessity for correcting a mental or emotional ailment. Again it is the details of the dream that will determine this and the retrospective thoughts. (p. 122)


PS. 生字自己查線上字典。


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